Monday, April 25, 2011

21 Weeks old!

What's new this week?

The big news is that we broke Chloe out of her swaddle! After so many nights of us going into her room to re-swaddle her, we have decided that it is time to move her out of being swaddled. We thought it was going to be a big "crying it out" session, but she fell asleep with no problems. We are still going into her room at night to put her paci back in her mouth, but otherwise she sleeps really well for about 11 hours at night. We are going to wait a little longer before we start weaning her off of her paci. She doesn't use it or need it at any other time except for going to sleep. We also weaned her off of her late night feedings. She now takes a 6oz bottle at 6pm and not another feeding until 6am the next day.

She's also mastered her sitting now, and plays really well sitting on her own. She hasn't rolled over since that one time way back when she was only 12 weeks old. Maybe, she will move on to crawling before rolling over...

She definitely has stranger anxiety. I guess she's had this for almost a month now, but we didn't want to believe it. Chloe has about a foot wide diameter of a personal space, and she does not want any strangers invading that space right now. It takes her a few hours to warm up to a stranger.

Chloe must have grown an inch or so. Her feet are now touching the ground!

This is Chloe really concentrating on whatever she is doing or she might be working on a surprise in her diaper.

Chloe loves to play sitting down now that she can.

Playing in her playpen.

I'm not sure why Chloe is sad. She was smiling just a second ago...

This is how Chloe sleeps now that she is not swaddled. As you can see, she is still occupying the guest bed.

Here is a short clip of Chloe playing with her daddy. We're not sure if she is laughing or crying...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

20 weeks old

Wow, time truly flies by quickly. Our little Chloe is growing up so fast.

There hasn't been much change to her schedule except that she's been wanting more than 5oz of breastmilk. We are slowly trying to increase her amount to 6oz, which means she will be getting two feedings of formula. If this trend continues, I think Chloe will be 100% on formula by her 6 month birthday.

Developmentally, she has now learned to sit on her own. We still have to spot her since she will still flop to the sides and backwards, but for the most part she sits really well on her own. When laying on her back, she loves to play with her feet and tug on her socks.

She is still being swaddled to go to sleep. We've tried the sleepsack, but after 30 minutes of her not being able to settle down, we end up swaddling her, and she falls right to sleep. It doesn't look like we'll be breaking the swaddling for awhile.

Chloe is such a sweet, happy baby, that we can get her to smile all the time. Laughing on the other hand, she is very stingy. We are constantly looking for ways to make her laugh. Her favorite right now is when we are going up the stairs. Phil carries her over his shoulder, and I pop up behind them on the way up and she will giggle.

Here are some pictures from this week.

This has become Chloe's signature facial expression.

Here is happy Chloe. We love seeing this smile. Chloe sends a big thank you to Gabby and Fia for these cute overalls.

Chloe tried to stay awake for daddy to come home from work, but ended up falling asleep.

But, in the transition from the baby bjorn to her bed, she woke up. So, we opened up the Easter present from G-pa and G-ma.
We also finally got Chloe's 3 month photos. There were so many to choose from, but we narrowed it down to these three.
As always, thanks for visiting our blog!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

19 weeks old!

Now that Chloe is 19 weeks old, her schedule is becoming more and more predictable.

Her schedule kind of looks like this:

6:00 am Wake up and drinks 5oz breastmilk
7:30 to 9am nap
10 am drinks 5oz breastmilk
11am to 12:30 nap
2pm drinks 5oz breastmilk
3pm to 4pm power nap
6pm drinks 5oz breastmilk
7pm down for the night
10pm late night feeding of 6oz formula

We are still sneaking in the late night feeding around 10 or 11pm before we go to bed. Chloe usually doesn't even open her eyes, and just sleep eats and goes right back to bed.
I could be totally over thinking this, but I think Chloe doesn't get enough milk in the 24hr period if we don't give her the late night feeding.

The weather has been very unpredictable lately. It would be really nice and warm one day and then it would snow the very next day. Kind of crazy...

Chloe hanging out with daddy outside on one of the nicer days.

Chloe likes to accompany us to restaurants. She does really well for awhile, and then lets us know that it's time for us to go before we can decide on desserts.

This is her new thing that she does these days. Whenever we are holding her and drink something at the same time, she wants to touch the cup.

It is Chloe's 1st Rockies game day. She woke up really happy.

She loves to look at the camera. What are you doing down there, Chloe?

Chloe took a really good nap and was all ready to go the game, but it started to snow and the game got cancelled. Chloe is still in a good mood though.

Thanks to Susie, we had this nice and warm snowsuit that would have kept Chloe warm during the game.

Phil puts Chloe in the Baby Bjorn when he vacuums the house. Chloe starts kicking her legs when the vacuum turns on and she loves to be part of the cleaning fun.

We still have not successfully captured her laugh in a video, but hopefully soon we can share that with you all. Thanks for visiting!!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

18 Weeks old!

This week, Chloe attended another party. It was our friend, Hanh's baby shower. Chloe must be a party girl in nature, because she does really well in big crowds and loves to watch people. That's until she starts to get tired, and then everything goes downhill. We were able to stay for a couple of hours and even play some games.

One big development this week is that we felt a little bump starting on her lower front edentulous ridge where her first tooth is suppose to come out. We thought she was teething with lots of drooling and chewing on her hand, and now we have a proof! We got her a teether ring and she loves to chew on it.

We are very excited for the start of the baseball season. We share season tickets to the Rockies with a bunch of people and we are excited to take Chloe to her first baseball game on Sunday of opening weekend!

Here are some pictures from this week.

Here is Chloe at the baby shower. She got all dolled up for the event.

This shower was a Co-ed shower and only the boys were able to play this diaper game. There were five diapers with five different melted chocolate candies in it. You were supposed to guess which chocolate candy is in each diaper. It took Phil less than a minute to guess all five and he won! It does pay off to know your sweets, I guess. He got 4 out of the 5 right, but he says technically he had all 5 right. He put down a crunch bar instead of the Hershey's krackle. According to Phil (self proclaimed candy expert) there are no differences. For the prize, he won $15 to McDonald's, which he was very happy with.

The next day Chloe had another party to attend. It was our friend's son, Carter's 1 year birthday party. However, Chloe was too tired from the baby shower, so we decided to not get her off of her schedule again and let her take her normal naps. I had promised to make a monkey shaped cake for his party, so I attended the party on behalf of the Johnson family. The cake turned out better than I thought, but it sort of looks more like a bear than a monkey to me.

Here is Chloe with her teether ring. It is so cute to see her holding it with both hands and munching on it as if it was something really yummy.

Chloe's favorite place to play is this new toy. She loves to pound on the keyboard.

She makes all sorts of noises while playing with it. Phil was able to catch her laughing and smiling on the camera.

Chloe got her first Easter Basket from one of the Orthodontist we refer patients to. Of course, she was very excited to see us come home from work, but she was also excited to see this colorful present.
Next week, we'll post more exciting photos including Chloe's first baseball game photos!!!