Wednesday, December 29, 2010

1st Christmas and 5 weeks old

Chloe's one month date is here! She has been so much fun to have here at our home!

As you can see in this photo, Phil was putting lotion on her face after her bath, and with some extra lotion, he decided we needed to style her hair. Can you see the styled front portion? :)

Our friend, Susie, took pictures of her baby each month on the same chair. So we borrowed that idea and decided we wanted to do the same with Chloe. This was the test run photo the day before her 1 month birthday (Christmas) to see if this chair would work.

Chloe's routine has been pretty steady and it also includes her fussy times. Almost always before her nap, she has her bouts of fussiness. Is that normal??? We think she looks cute even when she is fussing. That might not be normal...

It is feeding time, but Chloe is still tired. She looks very chill with her arm propped up on the pillow, huh?

She still sleeps with her arms up above her head. She is such a silly little girl.

This is Phil testing to see if Chloe is hungry or not. She is rooting hard on his nose, so she must be hungry!!!

Christmas is here!!! We are also celebrating her 1 month birthday. Thanks to Susie, we had a perfect outfit to wear.

It will be fun to see how much she grows each month as we continue to take pictures of her on this same chair.

Santa brought lots of presents to the Johnson family, but the best present of all was Chloe!

We made our Johnson family tradition, Christmas day monkey bread to start the day. Doesn't it look delicious?

Chloe had fun opening her 1st Christmas presents. Some of the presents got opened by her mom before Christmas day. Sorry, Chloe...

All of the excitement wore her out and she fell asleep while opening the presents...

Christmas day in Denver was one of the warmest days. The high temp was around the mid 50's, so we took this opportunity to take Chloe for a little stroll.

She is liking her new bouncy chair. What's not to like about it?

She sits in it and observes what's going on around her.

We'll leave you with another picture of her sleeping. Doesn't she look so peaceful?

Thursday, December 23, 2010

4 weeks old, almost a month!!

Chloe is now 4 weeks old and will be one month old on Christmas day.
She's been on a good routine of feeding every three hours during the day and extending to 4 to 5 hours during the night. During the day, her wake times have been getting longer each day as well.
Unfortunately, her crying times have increased as well. (Or, should we say her fussy times?)
It took her about two weeks for her to stop crying during the diaper change, so we are hoping her bath time cries will stop sometime soon too!

This is the typical picture of Chloe's bath times. She cries bloody murder until she is out of this basin.

Now, she is very happy in her warm towel. The good thing is her cries never really last too long.

She sleeps really well after the bath.

She usually wakes up happy and alert. She still sleeps a lot on our bed. It's a habit we will soon need to break...

Chloe's having some "tummy time". This is suppose to help strengthen her neck muscles.

Daddy getting some loves before going to work.

This is her Christmas outfit. We couldn't wait until Christmas day to put this on her. :)

Another picture of her sleeping. I just can't stop staring at her face. We think she is sooooo cute!
This is her sleeping in her playpen. She has many places right now that she falls asleep in.

Thanks to my parents, Phil and I got to have a date night! We went to see the Blue Man Group performance. It was great spending some "our time" together.

Now, she is sleeping in her crib. She's been doing really well without being swaddled.

She woke up in the middle of her nap, but the pacifier helped her fall right back to sleep.

After work, dad gets to feed Chloe. Chloe has been holding her gaze on us throughout her feedings. She is becoming a big girl.

This is her typical fussy time (evenings). During this time, we put her right into her crib or her playpen. She usually cries/fusses herself to sleep in about 10 to 15 minutes. It's hard to listen to her cry for that long, but we've realized that in the long run this is the best for all of us.

Chloe is getting better at her "tummy times". She can lift her neck and move from side to side.

See, she can really hold her neck up!

Sorry for so many of her sleeping pictures, but most of her time is still spent sleeping. She loves to have her arms out of the covers.
Thank you for keeping up with our blog. Hopefully, I can keep up with this weekly updates even when I return to work.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

3 weeks old!

What's new this week? Well, Chloe met her "halmunee" and "halahbujee" (grandma and grandpa in Korean) and has decided to move out of her swaddle for good. She is still eating well and farting and pooing like crazy!!!

In the beginning of the week, she was still being swaddled as always. Although, she started to not sleep well in her crib until we laid this comfy quilt down. I know it is not recommended to put down anything soft in the crib, but Chloe did not like the hard mattress.

Another outing to the photo studio to view the proofs of her newborn photos. She is starting to do better in her carseat. The pacifier really helps.

Now, Chloe has two other people to fall asleep on.

Halmunee and Halahbujee have to fight for "Chloe time."

Halmunee claimed the feeding time. We think this is Chloe's favorite time of the day.

This week, Chloe started to have one fussy time per day and it usually comes at night time. She finally fell asleep in mom's arms. Doesn't she look so innocent, like she never fussed at all.

Here is Chloe taking a nap on the guest bed. This is what made us put the quilt down in her crib. She sleeps so well on either our bed or the guest bed and we think it is due to the soft comforters and mattresses.

Chloe has been fighting the swaddling for about a week, but at first we insisted on swaddling her. Now we think Chloe is one of those babies who does not like swaddling so much, so we decided to move her out of the swaddle blanket.

Chloe is giving her dad a big hug. (again, not staged)

She loves to bring her hands to her face while sleeping. We thought this would cause her to wake herself up, but somehow she sleeps very well just like this.

She is sleeping in her new onesie. Phil and I can't stop staring at her cute little face.

Next week, I'll post some photos of her bath times and her "tummy times". Hope you are enjoying these photos.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chloe is two weeks old!

This second week has shown some new sides of Chloe.
She has actually started to smile here and there. I was lucky enough to catch some of these beautiful smiles on camera.
She starts with this small smile.......

And then, she will end up with this big smile!!!

She loves to hold on to our fingers while she feeds. I've been pumping milk into bottles and Phil has been enjoying the feeding times as well.

Chloe sleeps much better on our bed and we've been sneaking her into our bedroom a few times. This photo was not staged. Isn't it so funny? Her head is so small!

Chloe is growing so fast that she is already growing out of her newborn clothes. We put this "Gator" outfit on even though it is pretty chilly outside and she loved it!

Gator loves Chloe. He always wants to sniff her and give her kisses.

One day, we noticed Chloe's left eye had some yellowish discharge. We researched and found out that it is most likely a blocked tearduct. We tried to massage it for couple of days but it didn't get any better. We finally tried an old trick that we found online. I don't know if anyone else has tried this, but placing a small drop of breastmilk apparently helps with this condition. We tried it just twice and it really worked. No more discharge!!!

Sometimes she fights to be swaddled. We will have her all swaddled up and then she will start squirming to get out of it. This is how she fell asleep. Too funny.

Oops, she scratched herself on the cheek. Those hands are going to be covered from now on.

Here is proud mom. I can't believe how much I love this little one.

Here is dad with all three kids. They all love to snuggle with their dad.

Her umbilical cord finally fell off on day 13, right before going in for her "newborn photos" and her 2 week check up. She did awesome during her photo session, she was wide awake and never even fussed at all. The photographer said she has been doing these type of photo shoots for over 20 years now and this is maybe only the 5th time she has had one go so well. We are going to review the pics this weekend and we'll share them with you soon. At her 2 week check up, Chloe weighed in at 8lbs 15oz and was 21 inches long. She is in the 95% for her weight, 75% for her height, and 50% for her head size.

Chloe got her 1st letter in the mail! It's her social security was so cute to get mail under her name.

She loves to use her hands as a pillow. This week might be the last week she can wear this onesie. She is growing so fast.

I hope you enjoyed this week's photos. Stay tuned for more next week.