Sunday, July 31, 2011

36 weeks old!

Chloe is 36 weeks old and can now crawl very fast. She stands up very easily as long as she has something to push against.

She can also walk along sofa or other furniture.

Chloe's getting two more teeth on the upper arch, but they are not the central incisors. For some unknown reason she is getting her upper laterals before the centrals. She kind of looks like a vampire baby. :)

Chloe's new thing these days is squinting her eyes when she smiles. We don't know where she learned to do that.

Here is Chloe anxiously waiting for her food.

This is a short video clip of Chloe eating her solids.

Like a good girl, she always brushes her teeth after eating. But, she seems to want to chew on the bottom part of the brush more than she wants to brush.

After work on my late days, I have about 30 minutes to an hour to play with Chloe before she goes down for the night. This is what I look forward to the whole time I'm at work.

Stay tuned for more pictures and updates of Chloe's growth.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

35 weeks old!

Chloe is now really cruising around. She has mastered crawling and standing while holding onto something. She walks with us when we hold her hands. She is growing up so fast.

She is enjoying the company of Halmunee and Halahbujee. She smiles all the time and blabs out her own language constantly.

She is also adjusting to her daycare really well. Her teacher says she is pretty clingy for the first 30 minutes and then she plays really well with other children. Right now she loves to touch people's faces and seems to relish being the center of attention.

Here is a short clip of Chloe playing on her own. She loves her new found mobility.

Chloe spotted her dad and is crawling over to say "hi"

If one of us is in the room with her, Chloe plays by herself really well. If we leave the room, then she crawls after us and whines.

Chloe is already 8 months old. This was a hard picture to take, because she wouldn't sit still. She wanted to crawl off of the chair.

We just got Chloe's 6 month photo from the photographer. Look at the rolls on her arm!
As always, thanks for visiting our blog.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

34 weeks old!

Halmunee and Halahbujee have left us to go visit Aggie's family. For some reason, we didn't get many pictures taken this week to share with everyone. I apologize.

Chloe is crawling everywhere. Even though it is pretty hot these days, we put pants on Chloe to prevent rug burns. Are we too over protective?

Chloe also passes objects back and forth from one hand to the other. If there is something solid that Chloe can hold onto, then she stands up very easily.

We took Chloe swimming again. I think she loved it more this time than last time.

Here is our little swimming balerina.
Here is a short clip of Chloe crawling in the beginning of the week. By the end of the week, she was getting much quicker.

We needed a babysitter one day and Jeanette jumped on this opportunity to see Chloe. Thanks a bunch Jeanette!!!

I promise there will be more photos next week.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

33 weeks old!

Guess what? Chloe is crawling!!! Chloe started to crawl forward.

Her new found mobility has made it hard for her to go down for her naps and nighttime sleep. She keeps wanting to move around.

Chloe got to hang out with Halmunee and Halahbujee a lot this week and she has really warmed up to them.

Here is Chloe hanging out with Halahbujee.

Here is Chloe hanging out with Halmunee at a swimming pool.

Thanks to Halmunee babysitting Chloe and Troy flying out from SLC, four of us got to play in a foursome "shamble" format tournament up at Fossil Trace Golf Course in Golden. Here are the boys ready to tee off on the first hole.

Here is me and the boys. This was the first time for me to play golf this year. It was so nice to be out on the golf course again.

Before Halmunee and Halahbujee flew out to SLC to see Aggie's family, we got to squeeze in a Rockies game. This time, Chloe made it on the jumbotron. A camera man was in our seated area and spotted Chloe.

Chloe sometimes makes these funny faces. Maybe this is the face that caught the camera man's attention.

We'll soon post some video's of Chloe crawling around the house. Thanks for visiting.

32 weeks old!

This week was a busy week for Chloe.

Chloe had her first 4th of July celebration and Halmunee and Halahbujee came into town to visit us as well.
Chloe also started to crawl backwards. Can we consider this as meeting the "crawling" milestone??? She crawls backwards and sits back on her bum. It is so cute!

This week, we also started finishing our basement. Tons of supplies were delivered from Home Depot and just after they were delivered huge storm clouds came over. We got them inside the garage just in time before rain came.

Chloe started to wave her hands. She does it during random times, so we don't think she knows what she is actually doing, but we still think it's so cute.

Our city (Lone Tree) puts together a 4th of July festival every year. This year is the first year that we attended the event, and we loved it. We got together with our neighbors and packed up some food, drinks, blankets, and chairs to celebrate.

Here is Chloe playing with her neighbor friend, Blake. They shared their slobber ridden toys together. How sweet!

Here is Chloe watching her first firework show. She was very intense about it as you can see! We were worried that Chloe might get scared by the noise from the fireworks, but she watched it very calmly and intently.

Here is Chloe hanging out with Halahbujee. She is still experiencing stranger anxiety, but slowly warmed up to him.

One of Chloe's favorite games to play is peek-a-boo with a cloth. Here is a short video clip of it.

Chloe plays with her toys half of the time, but the other half of the time, she just wants to chew on them. She must be getting another tooth???
Thanks for visiting our blog!

31 weeks and 7 months old!

Chloe is now 7 months old.
She loves to stand while holding onto something, and it's mostly us.
She is really starting to look like a big girl.

We have been taking Chloe's monthly photos sitting on this same chair, but we tried to have Chloe stand on it. We were very nervous, so we took the picture as fast as we could to prevent a big fall.

So what is new this week?

One new thing we've noticed is that Chloe gets really giggly right before bedtime.

We think she is sort of delirious due to being so tired, but it is so cute to hear her laugh and giggle.

Here is a video of her giggling after her last bottle of the day.

We bought this little kiddie pool, but it's being used right now inside the house as a play area/toy box. Phil blew it up one day and she just started to play with it and in it.

Chloe also had some friends visit this week, Troy and his daughter, Caroline. Caroline loved to play with Chloe and wanted to hold and carry her around everywhere. Chloe also got a new outfit, a pair of shoes, and a stuffed purple hippo from Caroline.

Here is Chloe playing with her new shoes. They seem too big right now, but they will fit perfectly when she starts walking in just few months. :)

Caroline and Chloe tried to take a nap together, but after an hour of struggle, Chloe finally ended up having to fall asleep on her own.

The next day, we got ready to go to the Denver Zoo. Chloe warmed up to Troy very quickly.

Chloe stopped to look at the giraffes. Can you see her mesmerized face? I guess she is wondering why are giraffes so tall...

Chloe makes this funniest "sour" face when we give her some of sour fruits. It is hilarious to watch.

Stay tuned for more pictures and video's of Chloe's life!