Sunday, July 31, 2011

36 weeks old!

Chloe is 36 weeks old and can now crawl very fast. She stands up very easily as long as she has something to push against.

She can also walk along sofa or other furniture.

Chloe's getting two more teeth on the upper arch, but they are not the central incisors. For some unknown reason she is getting her upper laterals before the centrals. She kind of looks like a vampire baby. :)

Chloe's new thing these days is squinting her eyes when she smiles. We don't know where she learned to do that.

Here is Chloe anxiously waiting for her food.

This is a short video clip of Chloe eating her solids.

Like a good girl, she always brushes her teeth after eating. But, she seems to want to chew on the bottom part of the brush more than she wants to brush.

After work on my late days, I have about 30 minutes to an hour to play with Chloe before she goes down for the night. This is what I look forward to the whole time I'm at work.

Stay tuned for more pictures and updates of Chloe's growth.

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

I hate that most of my days after work are very short with the kids. Not enough time to have fun! She's insanely cute you guys! I think David is going to really like her ;)