Thursday, July 28, 2011

35 weeks old!

Chloe is now really cruising around. She has mastered crawling and standing while holding onto something. She walks with us when we hold her hands. She is growing up so fast.

She is enjoying the company of Halmunee and Halahbujee. She smiles all the time and blabs out her own language constantly.

She is also adjusting to her daycare really well. Her teacher says she is pretty clingy for the first 30 minutes and then she plays really well with other children. Right now she loves to touch people's faces and seems to relish being the center of attention.

Here is a short clip of Chloe playing on her own. She loves her new found mobility.

Chloe spotted her dad and is crawling over to say "hi"

If one of us is in the room with her, Chloe plays by herself really well. If we leave the room, then she crawls after us and whines.

Chloe is already 8 months old. This was a hard picture to take, because she wouldn't sit still. She wanted to crawl off of the chair.

We just got Chloe's 6 month photo from the photographer. Look at the rolls on her arm!
As always, thanks for visiting our blog.

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