Thursday, July 14, 2011

32 weeks old!

This week was a busy week for Chloe.

Chloe had her first 4th of July celebration and Halmunee and Halahbujee came into town to visit us as well.
Chloe also started to crawl backwards. Can we consider this as meeting the "crawling" milestone??? She crawls backwards and sits back on her bum. It is so cute!

This week, we also started finishing our basement. Tons of supplies were delivered from Home Depot and just after they were delivered huge storm clouds came over. We got them inside the garage just in time before rain came.

Chloe started to wave her hands. She does it during random times, so we don't think she knows what she is actually doing, but we still think it's so cute.

Our city (Lone Tree) puts together a 4th of July festival every year. This year is the first year that we attended the event, and we loved it. We got together with our neighbors and packed up some food, drinks, blankets, and chairs to celebrate.

Here is Chloe playing with her neighbor friend, Blake. They shared their slobber ridden toys together. How sweet!

Here is Chloe watching her first firework show. She was very intense about it as you can see! We were worried that Chloe might get scared by the noise from the fireworks, but she watched it very calmly and intently.

Here is Chloe hanging out with Halahbujee. She is still experiencing stranger anxiety, but slowly warmed up to him.

One of Chloe's favorite games to play is peek-a-boo with a cloth. Here is a short video clip of it.

Chloe plays with her toys half of the time, but the other half of the time, she just wants to chew on them. She must be getting another tooth???
Thanks for visiting our blog!

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