Thursday, July 14, 2011

31 weeks and 7 months old!

Chloe is now 7 months old.
She loves to stand while holding onto something, and it's mostly us.
She is really starting to look like a big girl.

We have been taking Chloe's monthly photos sitting on this same chair, but we tried to have Chloe stand on it. We were very nervous, so we took the picture as fast as we could to prevent a big fall.

So what is new this week?

One new thing we've noticed is that Chloe gets really giggly right before bedtime.

We think she is sort of delirious due to being so tired, but it is so cute to hear her laugh and giggle.

Here is a video of her giggling after her last bottle of the day.

We bought this little kiddie pool, but it's being used right now inside the house as a play area/toy box. Phil blew it up one day and she just started to play with it and in it.

Chloe also had some friends visit this week, Troy and his daughter, Caroline. Caroline loved to play with Chloe and wanted to hold and carry her around everywhere. Chloe also got a new outfit, a pair of shoes, and a stuffed purple hippo from Caroline.

Here is Chloe playing with her new shoes. They seem too big right now, but they will fit perfectly when she starts walking in just few months. :)

Caroline and Chloe tried to take a nap together, but after an hour of struggle, Chloe finally ended up having to fall asleep on her own.

The next day, we got ready to go to the Denver Zoo. Chloe warmed up to Troy very quickly.

Chloe stopped to look at the giraffes. Can you see her mesmerized face? I guess she is wondering why are giraffes so tall...

Chloe makes this funniest "sour" face when we give her some of sour fruits. It is hilarious to watch.

Stay tuned for more pictures and video's of Chloe's life!

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