Tuesday, July 19, 2011

34 weeks old!

Halmunee and Halahbujee have left us to go visit Aggie's family. For some reason, we didn't get many pictures taken this week to share with everyone. I apologize.

Chloe is crawling everywhere. Even though it is pretty hot these days, we put pants on Chloe to prevent rug burns. Are we too over protective?

Chloe also passes objects back and forth from one hand to the other. If there is something solid that Chloe can hold onto, then she stands up very easily.

We took Chloe swimming again. I think she loved it more this time than last time.

Here is our little swimming balerina.
Here is a short clip of Chloe crawling in the beginning of the week. By the end of the week, she was getting much quicker.

We needed a babysitter one day and Jeanette jumped on this opportunity to see Chloe. Thanks a bunch Jeanette!!!

I promise there will be more photos next week.

1 comment:

Beat Emetaphobia said...

I'm just catching up on the blog and Chloe is growing up so fast. I think she's really looking a lot like her Daddy! Good job on crawling! Now it's time to really safe proof your house!! I've got some cute leg warmers if rug burn is still an issue. David still prefers to crawl on his belly Army style. That Chloe is quite the achiever! I know you guys are proud!